At Surge Church, we desire to see people Live Beyond Limits. This is only possible when we are in relationship with other people of like faith. It is our life together that creates a life beyond limits.
The truth is you need people to help you grow and change. You cannot be a devoted disciple of Jesus without a devotion to other disciples. This is why Connect Groups are so important. A critical aspect to Connect Groups is found in the word "Connect". Connecting with others enriches your life and encourages spiritual development. Jesus had his own small group. Think about it..the 12-disciples were deeply impacted in the intimate moments with Jesus as He poured into their lives.
We see an example of this among the first Christians in Acts 2:46 that states - “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” This verse shows us 2-ways in which they grew as disciples of Jesus together:
The truth is you need people to help you grow and change. You cannot be a devoted disciple of Jesus without a devotion to other disciples. This is why Connect Groups are so important. A critical aspect to Connect Groups is found in the word "Connect". Connecting with others enriches your life and encourages spiritual development. Jesus had his own small group. Think about it..the 12-disciples were deeply impacted in the intimate moments with Jesus as He poured into their lives.
We see an example of this among the first Christians in Acts 2:46 that states - “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” This verse shows us 2-ways in which they grew as disciples of Jesus together:
1. Temple Courts
They were faithful to the worship, prayer and teaching of the Word of God in the larger services in the Temple Courts, and they were committed to building relationships on a personal level in Their Homes. This is still a great example for us to follow today.
Spiritual growth requires the time, commitment, accountability and relationships that small groups provide. Building bonds with others will bless you and allow you to be a blessing to others. We strongly encourage all of our Surge People to join and actively participate in a Connect Group!
Spiritual growth requires the time, commitment, accountability and relationships that small groups provide. Building bonds with others will bless you and allow you to be a blessing to others. We strongly encourage all of our Surge People to join and actively participate in a Connect Group!
The vision of Surge Connect Groups is to create connection with fellow believers for the purpose of growing as devoted disciples of Jesus together that leads to a life of greater impact!

SPRING Semester
Connect Groups for Spring Semester:
- March 5th
- March 19th
- April 2nd
- April 16th
- April 30th
- May 14th
- May 28th
Connect Groups will be held on Wednesdays at the Church at 6:30pm.